Andrew Ghrist
Adam Hanson is a designer, illustrator, and printmaker based out of Chicago, IL. An avid music lover, he has created screen printed gig posters and merchandise for a number of bands, including The Hold Steady, The Get Up Kids, & The Crystal Method. Clients also include Design Bureau Magazine, Columbia College, and Sociatlogic. When he’s not working, he’s probably watching campy horror movies or enjoying a glass of Sailor Jerry.
London based art direction, web design, graphic design, illustration and silkscreen printing.
Often considered Minneapolis’ best totally unknown design super team, Aesthetic Apparatus was founded around 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin by Dan Ibarra and Michael Byzewski as a fun side project from their “real” jobs. Over the years their limited edition, screen printed concert posters have secretly snuck into the hearts and minds of a small, rather silent group of socially awkward music and design nerds. Now, Aesthetic Apparatus is a full time, full-fledged, insanely unstoppable, and occasionally award winning design mega-studio. They will break your heart and drink your blood.
aestheticapparatus.comBACK TO TOP
Matthew Buchholz creates images of a fantastic past that never was, under the name of Alternate Histories. Using entirely digital sources, he refashions archival images to include monsters and science fiction elements, drawing the viewer’s eye to search for the anachronism. Alternate Histories combines his fascination with vintage illustrations and photographs with his love of low-budget science fiction films.
A graduate of New York University‚ School of Film/Television, Buchholz is originally from Tucson, Arizona. After working in the non-profit arts community in Brooklyn, he moved to Pittsburgh in 2008 to take advantage of the opportunities for artists. Buchholz lives in the Friendship area of Pittsburgh with his dog Otis.
Alternate Histories EtsyBACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Flynn Prejean makes his home over at Bad Moon Studios. Originally BadMoon was a small press comic book publisher, but these days its main focus is as a gig-poster print producer unleashing a wave of pop art to plaster the city in so you know where you’ll need to be to rock to the fullest. He’s designed posters for the likes of Hank III, Johnny Winter, Agent Orange, the Misfits and more. As an illustrator with a lot of musician friends, it was only natural for him to start getting CD cover and poster requests, and once he got into his current work, it became his dream job. Although he rarely still works in comics, the comic book influence still permeates most of what he creates. He also does custom skate deck designs, t-shirts and anything else he can get his hands on.BACK TO TOP
Screenprinter and photographer based in Chicago IL.
billycravenposters.comBACK TO TOP
Andrew Vastagh, aka BOSS CONSTRUCTION, is a one man design, illustration & screen print show, based in Nashville, Tennessee. Andrew designs and prints all his posters by hand, personally. As a graduate of the design program at The University of Memphis, Andrew wanted to avoid a corporate cubicle and focused instead on the freedom gig posters and freelance projects oered.
He has worked on everything from T-shirt designs for Death Cab For Cutie to the identity and branding of The Warped Tour 2010 and 2011 and projects with Wonka candy and KIA Motors. Andrew lives in Nashville with his fourteen year old daughter Madalyn, and two mean chihuahuas Bonita & Echo. bossconstruct.comBACK TO TOP
Chicago based street artist and graffiti writer from Milwaukee. Founder of Dipstik, a fictional art metal band extraordinaire. Describes work as “American© symbolism with a twist” and is inspired by Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Antck THC UFG.
brooksblairgolden.comBACK TO TOP
Punk rock printmaking located in Chicago and Milwaukee.
CASEY BURNS is an award-winning illustrator, fine artist, printmaker, graphic designer, art director, product manager, branding strategist, graphic production artist, musician and Eagle Scout based in Portland, Oregon. His mark can be seen all over the industries of music, advertising, apparel, film, television, food and drink, comedy, greeting cards, toy design, comic books, magazines, newspapers and publications of all kinds.
A Morehead Scholar with a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Burns worked ten years as the in-house artist for Frank Heath’s legendary Cat’s Cradle music venue in Carrboro. His striking poster designs from this period are featured in The Art of Modern Rock; Gig Posters: Rock Art of the 21st Century; Rock Paper Show; 1000 Indie Posters; Simple Screenprinting and other books. caseyburns.comBACK TO TOP
Graphic artist who attended the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas (National Arts School) of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (National University of Mexico) in Mexico City where he was born in the penultimate decade of the last century. Enthusiast of popular graphics and music, focused on Caribbean and Jamaican tunes.
chemaskandal.blogspot.comBACK TO TOP
Street artist based in Chicago IL. Interests include pizza.BACK TO TOP
Clint entered into the realm of poster design by creating flyers and hand screenprinted posters for his own band. He later studied design formally at Stephen F. Austin University with a focus on advertising and digital media. His interest in music and design inspired him to continue to make gig posters. Clint relocated to Austin in 2006 and began working as a professional printer. While printing in Austin, Clint continued making concert posters and began freelance design work as well as various oddjobs.
Fabio Meschini was born in Rome, Italy, in 1972. Architect, ultimately became an image builder, constantly bouncing between love for the photographic devices and the need to go further reality by the means of design and illustration. He started his career in graphic design in 1989, mainly working for publishing companies and schools. Now splits his time between his trainer position at Apple and visual designer in his photography and illustration studio in Rome.
clockwork-pictures.com BACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Since 2003: Cricket Press is a tiny little operation geared towards designing and hand printing silk-screened posters for music events, art shows, propaganda, and basically anything you’d want to make a poster for. They especially love doing gig posters for punk, indie-rock, jazz and improvised music events. Reason being, this is just the music they love, and the people they love to work with. They also do a variety of illustration & graphic design work; including but not limited to logo designs, t-shirt designs, invites… you name it. And just who is it behind all this, you might ask? Well, Cricket Press employs the tag-team duo of artists Brian & Sara Turner. That’s it. They come from backgrounds involving all sorts of creative media, from illustration to photography, graphic design to woodworking… in short, they just enjoy making stuff.
Dan MacAdam has been screenprinting in Chicago since 1996, operating under the nom-de-guerre Crosshair. Crosshair is most widely known as a creator and printer of screen-printed concert posters, but also produces fine art prints, record and cd covers and custom packaging, both as an artist-printer and as a printer of others’ work. Dan’s most recognizable work uses his original photography as the basis for heavily layered and intricately detailed silkscreen prints. His prints frequently present man-made structures in contrast or consonance with their landscapes, in decay or in defiance of disintegration. He has produced artworks for bands and musicians ranging from international superstars, to the underground and obscure.
crosshairchicago.com BACK TO TOP
Dan Grzeca is a visual artist from Chicago, where he lives with his amazing wife and daughters. He makes silkscreened prints out of his Northside shop, Ground-Up. He has made posters for bands such as Ken Vandermark, The Black Keys, The Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet, The Melvins, Iron and Wine, Phish,and Low among many others.
Writer, designer, historian, theoretician. Obsessed with graffiti and street art. Writer and Photographer for 12ozProphet.com and BrooklynStreetArt.com. Editor and designer of SIGNAL! The Urban Art Journal, a graffiti, theory + photography zine.
Daniel Feral, TwitterBACK TO TOP
David Alvarado is an illustrator and cartoonist. He comes from the Chicago land area. His interest are zines, printmaking, packaging, and comics. He enjoys the months of summer, playing records, ice cream, and pens. In 1994 Alvarado had his first release, Sun Children “Soul Searching,” on his own label Bomb Records. The song features “Eternal” and “The Son” which were originally released on vinyl, and can also now be found at Beatport. He is continuing to release music on his own imprint, Estooj.
Artist bio coming soon…
deadmeatdesign.comBACK TO TOP
The Decoder Ring is a screenprint-focused studio for hire, specializing in posters, products and fine art prints. Decoder partners on many projects with design and brand development studio Helms Workshop, and operates out of space in the Workshop Compound in South Austin. The company began in 2004 as a design collaborative with a focus on design and screenprinting for the music industry. In short time the studio won acclaim for its bold, unique approach and has been featured in publications, festivals and gallery shows across the world.
With over ten years of experience in the design and ad biz we started Delicious simply as a rock poster design/screenprinting hobby but by 2008 it had quickly grown into a full-time design and illustration studio. Over that span we had gone from designing rock posters for bands you’ve never heard of for lunch money to designing and illustrating for some of the most recognizable brands in the world.
deliciousdesignleague.comBACK TO TOP
Artist bio coming soon.BACK TO TOP
Dan Kuhlken and Nathan Goldman were both drawn to music and design at an early age, but didn’t combine their talents until 2005 when the duo founded a design studio with the goal of fusing these two creative avenues. The pair has found a niche in linking a personal and unique aesthetic to the world’s most talented musical artists. With dynamically different skill sets ranging from fine art to film production, Dan and Nathan bring diverse talents and artistic perspectives to every project.
Doe Eyed is a design studio that knows a thing or two about simple shapes, fuzzy textures, bright colors, patterns that make your eyes vibrate, bad jokes, and the occasional dirty drawing. Based out of America’s fabled Heartland (more specifically, Lincoln, Neb.), Eric Nyffeler’s illustration style mixes gritty geometrics with hand-drawn elements to create a sometimes whimsical, sometimes abject style that is helping to redefine the visual aesthetic of the Midwest. While his preferred medium is the screen-printed gigposter, he’s as comfortable branding a restaurant chain as he is designing and printing a poster for a local gutter punk band. Doe Eyed’s work has charmed the editors of publications such as Print, HOW and IdN, and has been featured in books such as Gigposters: Volume 2, Playful Type 2, Damn Good and 1000 Indie Rock Posters.
Don’t Fret is a Chicago based artist of the street.BACK TO TOP
Ryan Duggan is an artist, designer, and screen printer working in Chicago, Illinois. After curating his own gallery, People Projects, from 2006 to 2008, he shifted his focus to creating work. He has recently shown at Johalla Projects, Roots & Culture Contemporary Art Center, the Chicago Tourism Center, and the Co-Prosperity Sphere locally, and has also shown work in Toronto, Berlin, France, and the Netherlands. In addition to these gallery shows, Duggan has completed works on murals for the CTA and Wicker Park Bucktown Orange Walls Mural Project.
drugfactorypress.bigcartel.comBACK TO TOP
Emily Haasch is a designer and collage-maker in the great city of Chicago, Illinois. Other than that, she prefers to remain in mystery.
ESPIR is a street artist and graffiti writer living in Chicago, Illinois.
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Frida Clements is an independent Seattle-based Graphic Designer and Illustrator specializing in screen-printed poster art. Previously the Senior Graphic Designer for Seattle Theatre, she has also designed for Sasquatch! Music Festival, Flatstock, and many Northwest musicians and small businesses. She was named “Best Show Poster Artist” in 2010 by Seattle Weekly, has been featured multiple times as “Poster of the Week” in The Stranger, and recently included in the books 1000 Indie Posters by John Foster (Rockport) and Gig Posters Volume II by Clay Hayes. She now designs out of her home office in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood, primarily focusing on gig-posters and art prints, but also illustration, packaging, branding and whatever else seems fun and interesting.
In the early years of the new millennium, after printing for several years out of basement studios, Pete Cardoso and Ariel Broggi gave birth to Ghost-Town Studio. Working for several years out of a small studio in a Mill building in Pawtucket RI, they spent tireless hours working on their craft of design and screen printing. Eventually Ariel decided to pursue other design interests in New York as Pete stayed behind to hold down the fort and continue to build Ghost-Town studio on his own for a few years. After a decade of printing, and nearly 300 posters, the time came to add another person into the mix. Enter Darren Johnson. Darren’s 4 plus years of screenprinting tshirts and also having a unique design aesthetic was the perfect addition to the ghost town roster.
Gina Kelly has been making posters since 2006. Since then she’s been included in numerous books, festivals, art shows, and press establishing her work. She just finished working on an animation for TVoTR’s song “New Cannonball Blues”, and is currently working on her new stop-motion film, Super Natura which just finished a successful Kick Starter campaign.
She’s also currently producing and co-curating an exquisite corpse animation project called Quick and Dirty involving 20 artists and animators including Guy Burwell, Jim Trainor, Martha Colburn, Tunde Adebimpe, Kathleen Judge, Olivia Taussig, Jeanette Bonds, Nate Page, and more! weathermakerpress.comBACK TO TOP
Goons is a native of Chicago who currently resides in Vermont. In July 2012 he was the
judge’s choice winner of the Red Bull Curates Competition in Chicago and in December
2012 will be going to Art Basel in Miami to exhibit work with them. His ‘Clean It Up’
video for Orbit Gum is an viral sensation with over a million views on You Tube.
Antje Schröder aka Grace Helly is doing graphic design für music, located in the heart of St. Pauli / Hamburg – Germany. In 2006 she made her first gigposter fort he band Samiam and in the past few years, the silkscreens have become a very important and most enjoyable part of her work. By now she hast printed more than 25 posters for German and International bands. Since 2011 Grace Helly has participated Flatstock Europe 6 / Reeperbahnfestival and Flatstock Europe 7 / Barcelona and exhibited her posters at several Festivals and Galleries.
gracehellygraphics.deBACK TO TOP
Born in 1986, Gregory R. Oberle currently lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan while seeking and producing work between Detroit, MI and Chicago, IL. While working in many mediums and modes, he remains wholly committed to specializing in no specific realm or technique, instead preferring to each new project as an opportunity to begin anew.BACK TO TOP
Mobile street art and graffiti gallery in Chicago IL.
Chicago based visual artist Ian Ferguson aka “hydEON” was born and raised in the Southern California. He received his BA in graphic design from the Art Institute of California in 2006. He gathers inspiration from cities, wilderness, weather, society, and spiritual-metaphysical experiences. He experiments with graphite, paint, pen, installation, video/photo and digital mediums. His work has been exhibited in many cities in the US, including: Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, and Chicago. His work has been written about and published in Redefine Magazine, Tape Op Magazine, The Seattle Times, Chicago’s Lumpen Times, SF/Bay Area’s East Bay Express, and Seattle’s The Stranger. At the end of 2009 he launched BARO Records, a Chicago based DIY record label. Ian makes music in the following projects: Arborist, Engines,Heaping/Hiding, Friends & Family and solo project Henari Nannon. Ian’s one of a kind posters are internationally known for his original illustration style and numerous poster contributions to Anticon Records, including the Anticon 10 year Anniversary NYC Poster, Odd Nosdam East Coast Tour Poster, Themselves, DOSH, JEL, Serengeti, Joan Of Arc, Thee Silver Mt. Zion, Past Lives, Flexions, BRE’R, and music festival posters including: Hollow Earth Radio’s 2008 Magma Fest poster and The 2008 Tacoma, WA Squeak and Squawk Festival Poster. Ian has also created an 8ftX4ft installation painting of the entire city of Seattle for the Hollow Earth Radio Head Quarters in 2010.
Graffiti writer based in New York NY.BACK TO TOP
Brooklyn native printmaker and designer based in Asheville NC. He likes drawing gnarly skulls and freak-out scenes, but he also likes drawing more serene scenes with a tinge of mystery. Flames likes to make hisdrawings seem like a still frame from the middle of a longer scene or action — so the viewer’s imagination can fill in the story of what happened before and after that particular part occurred.BACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
the bird machine, inc., is a screen print poster workshop, owned and run by jay ryan, which is located very close to chicago. jay learned to screenprint beginning in 1995, working under steve walters at screwball press. jay printed posters for his own band (dianogah), his friends’ bands, and the clubs they played at. slowly, work from other clubs and other bands came in. in 1999, jay started the bird machine print shop in the basement of his apartment building, and soon hired mat daly to help with the printing responsibilities. mat worked with jay until the end of 2007. in 2002, the bird machine moved to proper commercial space in chicago’s ravenswood neighborhood, during which time the national poster community really took off, as reflected by jay’s constant travel, showing posters and talking to students around the country. during this time, the crew of people working around the shop included diana sudyka, nick butcher, dan grzeca, kevin duneman, nadine nakanishi, sue demel, alana bailey, jack ryan, and, of course, mat daly. in 2007, the bird machine moved a final time, to a small building in skokie, a near-north suburb bordering chicago, where the print shop runs now.
Jillian Nickell was born and raised on a farm near Champaign, Illinois. She currently resides in Champaign where she does freelance illustration and creates screen printed art prints. Each of her illustrations tries to have a sense of humor and to tell a story for the viewer to get lost in. When she is not busy making art, she is entertaining her two parrots, Joe and Sunny, and keeping them distracted from chewing all her drawing pencils.BACK TO TOP
Jim Ford is an American visual artist and designer from Chicago. His portfolio is wide and varied, ranging from contemporary art works to custom branding typefaces, and everything between from A to Z. As a student, Jim got his start working for a small, but prolific point-of-purchase agency. He then went on to study advertising art direction and then graphic design at Columbia College Chicago, until 2005. After becoming senior type designer at Ascender, Jim parted to start his own art & design company, Rebeletter Studios in 2010. For the last few years, he has contributed a vast world of artwork and design – designing logos, album covers, countless concert posters and everything in between. More recently his focus has shifted to fine art, producing a plethora of wildly challenging collage works and mixed media pieces. Some of his concert posters and artwork have been featured in gallery shows and published in magazines and books as well.
rebeletterstudios.comBACK TO TOP
Jimmy BunnyLuv is a screen-‐printer, graphic designer and mixed-‐media artist based in Chicago, IL who specializes in illustration and hand-‐rendered typography. He began his career as a screen-‐printer in 2003 while working at Firecracker Studios in Madison, WI where he began designing and printing gig posters and flyers. His work carries lots of themes borrowed from street art, rough line work and lots of animals..particularly scary bunnies, mastodons and other prehistoric mammals.
Joe Padilla is a Chicago born recluse who spends too much time either working a day job, or drawing to get away from his day job. When he’s feeling ambitious, he moves away from pen and ink and carves linoleum blocks. He hoards books, is addicted to coffee and extremely paranoid.
joepadillaartwork.comBACK TO TOP
John Howard is an artist living in the San Francisco Bay Area who specializes in interpreting music visually with bold, seemingly carved, often psychedelicized illustration.
John Vogl runs the Bungaloo, a small illustration and design outfit, all by his lonesome, from his sunny home in Denver, CO. All of his work is illustrated by hand, with love, care, and tears.
Johnny Sampson is a Chicago based artist that studied painting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Justin’s prints and illustrations are complex in process and thought but simple in beauty. The nostalgia of childhood that lingers on into our adult lives and the paths of daydreams we want to lose ourselves in are inherent in his art. The starkness of the landscapes and the muted panes of color form an emotional bond with the subject matter of the pieces through the painstakingly detailed fine lines and scratchings of the drawings themselves. Based out of Northern Illinois, Justin’s amazing work stands out as a monument to all of our wishes even in the face of our sometimes daunting reality.
justinsantora.comBACK TO TOP
justAjar Design Press is a letterpress and design shop in the historic river town of Marietta, Ohio. We make prints the old fashioned way; from carved woodcuts and hand set type, printed on a manually cranked flatbed printing press with oil based inks. justAjar is Bobby & Sara Rosenstock. Sara grew up on a sheep farm in Washington state and now runs the graphic design dept. at Marietta College and is behind the design work of justAjar. Bobby grew up in [Springsteen country] New Jersey and spends his days carving wood, setting type, and operating the letterpress shop.
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Klepto Salem
Street artist and teacher based in Chicago IL.
Kyle Baker
Baker Prints is the Chicago-based commercial-art and design business of creative pro
Kyle Baker. This includes graphic art produced as an independent contractor, work as a
silkscreen printmaker, and, most purposefully, the intersection thereof.
Landland is a very small graphic design & illustration studio in Minneapolis that was started by Dan Black, Jessica Seamans & Matt Zaun in the spring of 2007. We had all been making things for quite a while before that, but 2007 was when we actually moved into a real studio and built the loft and the walls and a massive printing table, and learned how to install sinks and lights and all of that. Now it’s just Dan & Jes.
The Landland studio doubles as a fully-functional screenprinting shop, mainly focusing on record sleeves, posters and art prints. We make these things with computers and scanners and photocopiers and drawings and fun printing techniques and whatever we need to use to get the job done. We are also about to start publishing some short-run books and a handful of very limited-edition records. Where we live tends to get very cold, so a lot of times the only thing that makes sense is to stay inside and draw tessellation patterns or the names of bands or messed-up billboards or things that you remember from back when it was fun to go outside.
landland.netBACK TO TOP
Artist bio coming soon.
douze.deBACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Lil Tuffy is an American rock poster artist and printmaker. He was born in Michigan in 1972. Currently he lives and works in San Francisco, California. Lil Tuffy is best known for his minimal style which incorporates negative space. He creates limited edition, hand-screened posters for such bands as the Black Lips and Pavement, as well as many others. He also created the CBGB’s 30th Anniversary poster. Tuffy’s poster for the Noise Pop music festival appeared in the 2006 Lindsay Lohan film Just My Luck.
Lloyd Patterson Jr
Hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Lloyd Patterson Jr. has extensive experience in the world of printmaking. With an MFA from Texas Tech University, MA Studies in Webster University St. Louis and Vienna, Austria, a BFA from Kansas City Art Institute, along with reams of professional interactions with the art community, it’s remarkable how much fits into this 5’4″ package! We’re sure that Lloyd’s blue-collar Irish work ethic means exciting things as he pursues new projects at FugScreens Studios.
Mara Piccione is giving Dutch music-centered design a new boost. Her dramatic colored illustrations of uncomfortable human stuff, often translated into human/animal hybrids, are turning boring wallflowers into exciting gig posters. Mara’s talent for poster design is recognized in gig poster Utopia, spreading across America, Germany and England. And maybe, some day, somewhere in the future, the Netherlands might grow into a gig poster Utopia too.
Matt Leunig is a designer/illustrator based out of San Francisco, CA. His work has crept its way into numerous publications, video games, published comics and different forms of music promotion: album artwork, concert posters, etc.
Originally from New York, and after a very transient childhood that took him from Saudi Arabi to Greece and beyond, Leunig ended up in Virginia at James Madison University before crash-landing the Bay Area in 2001. He claims to be happy being able to do what he loves and can’t wait to see what happens next. scrapedknee.comBACK TO TOP
Matthew Hoffman is a Midwestern born designer and artist located in Chicago. His work has been exhibited internationally for the last 10 years under a host of aliases and complicated pseudonyms. His recent solo exhibitions at Yes in Cincinnati, and Public Works in Chicago were of the first using his actual name. Hoffman is an active communicator, instigating spirited imagination often via unconventional routes. Hoffman doesn’t simply excite for the sake of making a splash; he elicits a public discourse using every opportunity to facilitate a striking visual relationship with contemplative communication. He firmly believes in the act of doing, and vigorous effort needed for positive momentum. “Do the work, have the hope” is his current working philosophy.
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Michael Cowell
Michael Cowell is a Commercial Artist based in Nottingham, England working in paint, print, photography and digital media. He has produced limited edition hand printed gig posters for bands such as The Dandy Warhols, The Duke Spirit, High on Fire and The National, whilst also creating album artwork and other innovative music packaging for a wide selection of other signed and unsigned groups. Drawing inspiration from the more ‘left of centre’ genres of music, film, art and literature he hopes to one day impose his own unique interpretations on each one of these mediums.
Michael Hacker is living and working in Vienna, Austria. Besides illustrating and self-publishing short comics, he is printing gig posters for bands like Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Melt Banana, Sonic Youth, Melvins, Mastodon, and more. He’s also a part of Atzgerei - a Vienna based collective consisting of painters, designers, tattoo artists, and filmmakers.
I love good picture books, and pretty much every other form of narrative creativity. I have a lot of odd ideas, which I enjoy drawing in a painstaking manner. For this, you can blame my alma mater, the Rhode Island School of Design.
Mike King
Mike King is a designer and poster artist who has worked in the music industry for the last two decades. He started his “career” by making posters for punk bands at local clubs in his home town of Portland, Oregon in exchange for admission, since then has gone on to design posters, record and cd covers, t-shirts, and print advertising.
An artist and b-boy in Chicago.
milespkjackson.tumblr.comBACK TO TOP
Mr. Nerfect
Mr. Nerfect, also known as Mr. Walters, is a Chicago based artist from Atlanta, Georgia. He received his B.F.A from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and is continuing his practice on a daily basis. Over the years Mr. Walters has designed it all from event flyers and matchbooks to CD packaging and signage. Along with graphic design, Mr. Nerfect specializes in illustrative work and has a collection of a wide range of projects in a variety of mediums and media.
www.nerfect.comBACK TO TOP
Artist bio coming soon.
Street artist based in Chicago IL.
niceonestreetart.comBACK TO TOP
A documentary about screen print movie posters and pop culture art prints. All proceeds from these poster sales go directly towards the funding of this project.
Officially Limited DocBACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Printmaker and designer living and working in Chicago IL. Octophant.us is the online repository of the printmaking, illustration, and design work of Phineas X. Jones.
Since 1997, a thought parted ways with an idea…a wrong answer, a correct assumption, so on and so forth. Making maps, charts, diagrams, gig posters, and affordable art for the masses. Residing in Philadelphia, PA.
I look, explore, find and reuse. Working in Pittsburgh PA. Copeland is native to Canton, OH.” His art is an outgrowth of his love of crawling into abandoned places and collecting discarded objects.” He shifts through dumpsters and used material at construction stores to create most of his work.
Ryan Kapp grew up in Columbus, Ohio where he spent his formative days drawing and skateboarding with his twin brother and friends. He studied studio art at both Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and the Columbus College of Art&Design. In 2000, he moved to Chicago to attend graduate school at Northwestern University. In his recent work, Ryan draws upon imagery from his travels and his native Midwestern surroundings and mixes it with a graphic sensibility. His prints & paintings explore ideas of reduction and stylistic juxtaposition that work together to create an environment driven by mood. Ryan currently resides in Chicago.
Total adhesive junkie. I’m all about the handmade, hand print and hand cut. Almost all of my artwork features different renditions of the same exact skull which I photographed in a London museum over 5 years ago. I share my skull image with the world is as a little morbid reminder to everyone to live each day. Memento Mori. My aim also is to prove that despite the skulls overuse in popular culture….it can still be a visceral image, especially in its beautiful simplicity.
rx skulls on flickrBACK TO TOP
Scott Williams is a Chicago-based graphic designer who has been making things around town a little more beautiful since 1996. He’s created numerous show posters for the Annoyance Theatre, iO and the Second City in support of Chicago’s talented comedy and improv community. For the past three years, Scott has been designing gig posters, and has been commissioned by artists including Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears, Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires, and more. Scott is also a part of Soul Summit – a three man DJ collective that hosts a monthly dance party at the Double Door in Wicker Park. As Art Director for Soul Summit, he creates a fresh poster for every party.
scottwilliamsdesign.comBACK TO TOP
“Sean Morris is an Australian Hero. His works define an alternative narrative of Australian and Low-Culture. The worlds he creates are a saturated reality that I find repulsive and beautiful because it’s all too familiar” - Kid Zoom
Sean Mort is a printmaker and designer based out of Manchester, England.
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
With his RED CAN Studio, based in Munich/Germany, Señor Burns is doing more than merely resuscitating a piece of history - as designer he is actively driving development forward. A naturally creative temperament, he trained as a joiner, then studied painting and graphic art. He still stayed loyal to this “trade”, in the sense that even now he executes many of his works as silk screen prints, and uses freehand sketches, stamped pieces and photographs as starting-points, turning to scanner and computer only at a later stage.
Upcoming designer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Aside from middle school sketches of the Grim Reaper & buxom blondes engaged in various sexual acts, Shawn Knight’s first foray into the graphic arts came a couple years later in the form of high school band flyers. This was before he had access to a scanner, so imagine the excitement when he discovered the ability to print text onto transparency at Kinko’s and then lay it on top of a background photo or illustration to make copies from. It looked so pro! After 8 years at various agencies, Shawn currently works as a freelance designer in Ferndale, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. When not at work he can be found in the recording studio/on tour with his band Child Bite, playing with/being annoyed by his 3 dogs, or watching movies with his wife.
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Brian Larson, Ed Knight, and Chris Everhart are the Silent Giants. Their work ranges from silkscreen to graphic design to illustrations. The Silent Giants specialize in gig posters and album art — their way of combining their love for art and music. They have contributed posters to Pitchfork Music Festival and Sasquatch Music Festival with a commissioned piece for Seattle indie-darlings Fleet Foxes. Their work is being published in both Germany and London.
thesilentgiants.comBACK TO TOP
The artistic duo Skewville consists of twin brothers Ad and Droo. They started out by throwing screenprinted jig-sawed shoes over the electrical wires of Brooklyn, NY.
“As the artistic duo known infamously as Skewville, twin brothers Ad and Droo gained recognition in the late nineties with their fake wooden sneakers tossed over telephone lines. While continuing a heavy presence in the public art forum since then, Skewville has also entered galleries with varying size of artworks on plywood, and a focus on installation.”
Street artist based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Graffiti writer based in Chicago IL.BACK TO TOP
Tim Doyle is an illustrator and print-maker working out of Austin, Texas and begun painting and showing in galleries in 2001. He self-published a diary zine, ‘Amazing Adult Fantasy’ from 2001-2003. Doyle has held many nerd-friendly jobs, including running a small chain of comic-book stores, as well as designing t-shirts and art-directing the poster series for the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. Doyle launched his company- Nakatomi Inc in January of 2009. In the Summer of 2009, Tim Doyle along with artist Clint Wilson built their own screen printing studio, Nakatomi Print Labs, in which they and other artists work out of.
Born in Hawaii, raised in New Jersey, and living in DC, there are few things Tracie Ching likes better than eating ham, being a dork, and creating screen prints based on beloved pulp culture icon.
Located in Kansas City, Vahalla Studios is the art and design of Tad Carpenter and Dan Padavic. Vahalla Studios was created in 2005 and initially run out of the back of an auto-mechanic shop. The studio now operates as a full service design studio and print shop with both letterpress and silkscreen capabilities. The guys print their own work and that of many other U.S. and international artists. Dan and Tad have worked on posters and projects for numerous design clients, bands and record labels. Recently working with clients such as Myspace and Rayban. Their work has been shown and exhibited around the world. Vahalla Studios has been recognized in a number of magazines, books and many major design publications.
Tommyb is a fine artist, illustrator, and photographer. Currently living in Winchester, England. Having grown up in London has had an obvious influence on his art and style, giving a eclectic mix of urban, afro surrealism and illustration, with a very disposable, ‘hands on’ approach. This is evident in his painting on found objects, wood and working on the ongoing wearealloutlaws zine project.
He is also one half of the FACECULTURE zine working along side James Armstrong who he has formed a unique partnership with after curating and organizing there own art exhibition in August 2010.
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Street artist based in Chicago IL.